Monke say hello !

I am just a retarded monkey who loves type code 🦍!
I am a Machine Learning student in DMI - UniPg 🚀.
Linux user (I use Arch btw 🖥️) focused on open source software 🔓.
I love develop cli desktop utilities and Android Apps 🤖 and this monke hates web developing, I am not enough retarded for this 🥖.

Not Programmer but Typing Monkey!

Coding & Knowledge

I am currently learning Javascript and NodeJS for Cross-Platform Desktop Application.
I am in ❤️ with Python , it's my favourite programming langagues for General Porpouse CLI tools, training Machine Learning/Deep Learning models and sometimes for GUI applications.
I also love Kotlin for developing Android Apps !

My Top 3 Languages 💘:

  1. Python
  2. Kotlin
  3. JavaScript

Tools & Framework 🛠️:

Github Projects

Skills & Degrees

Deegres & Diplomas:


High School Diploma @ I.T.T.S. A. Volta

High School Diploma in IT Science and IT technician.


Achieved in 2017


Bachelor Degree @ UniPG

Bechelor Degree in Information And Communication Technologies. The course is about all the main areas of computer science: programming, algorithms, databases, operating systems and networks, artificial intelligence, computer security, virtual reality systems and advanced programming.


Thesis: Adversarial Machine Learing Vs Android Malware Detection Systems

Achieved in 2021


Contact Me